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Old Photos

Writer: Sharon Sharon

I came across the photo above last week while I was going through old family slides.

It was taken on a cold, early morning visit to the Grand Canyon in November 1975.  We were driving cross country to California, where we would then fly to Dad's next duty station in Hawaii. It was a hard season for 14-year old me; I'd just left behind all my friends and a school I dearly loved.

In its original slide form, the photo was dark and the view was barely distinguishable. Yet, when I digitized it, the details became clear and the colors noticeable.

That's when I realized that this photo—taken almost 50 years ago— is a profound and accurate capture of my life story: while the valleys may be deep and painfully rocky, Hope is always dawning.

I have learned that it's in the midst of the valleys — my trials — where...

the hard meets The Holy,

grief meets The Comforter,

chaos meets The Peace that surpasses all understanding,

brokenness meets The Healer,

and fear meets The Truth.

If only 14-year me had know then that the Lord would walk with me through each and every valley.  And, oh, the amazing things He would do on the mountaintops!

I lift up my eyes to the hills.  From where does my help come?

 My help comes from the Lord,  Who made heaven and earth.

- Psalm 121:1



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